1ST MESSAGE

7TH JUNE 2003                                          TIME: 12.00PM



In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of the Queen of Heaven, crowned with the brightest gold, adorned with stars. She appeared with the brightness of God’s Glory and joyfully said:

“My son, as the Reign of Glory is growing in your midst and in the world at large, My joy is growing and My Heart is jubilating more and more. Heaven is happy to see the large number of the lost sheep of Christ returning to God. O! I can see the Little Lilies of Christ spreading the holy perfume of the Rose of Perfect Purity in the world. I can see the martyrdom for the renewal of the world. May the peace from Heaven be with you all.

Barnabas, I come to offer you and the whole world another great gift from the Hand of the Eternal Father, it is a gift of joy for all hearts that have received God’s Kingdom. And also a gift of true repentance to all who receive it with hope.”

(She raised her golden Rosary up) and said:

“The gift is the ROSES OF THE GLORIOUS REIGN” or you call it “THE CHAPLET OF RENEWAL” O! this is another kind of Rose, like the Roses of Angelic Psalter that is worthy to lie on the Altar of God in Heaven. Receive it from me for blessed are the hands that will receive it”

(She offered it to me and instructed me thus)

“Barnabas, you can see the Chaplet, it is exactly the same as My Rosary of Angelic Psalter. Through it is golden in colour which reminds you of the Glorious Reign, but do not trouble much on the colour. Take your Rosary and offer God your Roses. After the invocation of the Holy Spirit, you shall begin the Chaplet with one “Our Father” and one “Hail Mary” on the first big bead. Then, “Three Glory Bes” on the first three (small) beads.

Before each Mystery say: “O Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Hallowed be Thy Name. thy Kingdom Come. Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.”

After each Mystery, meditation and offering; begin the Chaplet with one Our Father and one Hail Mary. On the ten beads, say “Come Holy Ghost, come into my heart and fill the hearts of the faithful and renew the face of the earth”

The first mystery is: “Eternal Father’s plan to redeem the world by sending his only Begotten Son”

(Pause and meditate. Then say these words to strengthen your meditative power! “A voice cried out from the Highest Throne saying: “Whom shall I send, who will go to redeem the world and bring My Kingdom down to them? In the absence of any response Jesus the Eternal Word answered, “Here I am, send Me Father”. Then offer this prayer: “O God, by the merit of this mystery make Me an instrument of salvation and of renewal of the world. Amen.

The second mystery is: “A little girl named Mary was chosen to be the Daughter of God the Father, Mother of God the Son and the Spouse of God the Holy Spirit”

Meditate and say:

“God sent His Angel to a little girl named Mary in the town of Nazareth of Galilee, to announce the birth of His only begotten Son. At the greeting of the Angel, the Holy Spirit descended upon Her. And she conceived by the Holy Spirit. In the end, she gave birth to the Redeemer of the world.”

Then offer:

“O God by the merit of this mystery, give me the grace of purity and of humility, so that by humility, I will crush the head of satan and by purity my soul will be your tabernacle. Amen.”

The third mystery is: “God Reveals His Son to the world.”

Meditate as before. Then say:

“when the time came, God revealed His Son to the world. First, on Baptism at the River Jordan when He said: “This is My Beloved Son, with Whom I am well pleased” And secondly, during the Transfiguration at Mount Tabor when He added, “Listen to Him”

Then offer:

“O God by the merit of this mystery, give me the grace to be what you created me to be so as to do what You created me to do. Amen”

The fourth mystery is:

“Jesus proclaims the Kingdom of God on earth”

Meditate as before and say:

“When the right time came after fasting and being tempted by the devil, Jesus went into the cities of the world and proclaimed the Kingdom of God saying: Repent! The Kingdom of God is at hand.” He went about doing good and calling sinners back to God.”

Then offer:

“O God by the merit of this mystery, give me the grace to proclaim your Kingdom on earth by words and action, so that your Kingdom will reach the ends of the earth soon. Amen.

The fifth mystery is: “The Triumph on the Cross.”

“As man was defeated on the tree, man will be redeemed on the tree so that the tree of man’s downfall will be the tree of man’s resurrection.” And He came to His people but His people did not welcome Him, rather they dragged Him to the mountain called Golgotha where they nailed Him on the Cross. On the Cross, Christ announced His triumph saying, it is finished:


“O God, by the merit of this mystery, strengthen the faith of Your Little Lilies on earth. May they unite with your Church to conquer the Red Dragon for your Glorious Reign to manifest, Amen.”

In the end of all, say: this prayer three times again

“O Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, Hallowed be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

The Litany of this Chaplet is the Litany of the Saints. Then remember to consecrate yourself always to the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ.

Barnabas, be certain that you write this prayer well. This is the great gift I offer you from the Hands of the Holy Trinity. This prayer shall be used to welcome the Feast Day of the Glorious Reign on the midnight of 13th to 14 September. And to choose the day by 11.00pm of the 14th September before the kissing of the Cross by 12.00midnight. This prayer shall be sung and offered with candle adoration to welcome the Spirit of the New Pentecost. On the evening of this day, I will send Saint Cecilia to teach you how to chant the prayers.

See that I choose this day on Pentecost to give this Chaplet to the world. This is because it is through this Chaplet that the New Pentecost will come soon. This is the Glorious Reign that is already in your midst.

Barnabas, send this gift to your Spiritual Director, the Bishop of this devotion. Do not say this prayer till the midnight of 13th to 14th September, but you can learn it. There are many promises that follow this prayer, but you will know them later. Pray and never give up. I am the Queen of Peace, Mother of the Agonizing Jesus Christ.

Remain in Peace from Heaven. So I leave you.

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